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Støtt oss

Today, it’s getting harder to imagine being thrown in jail for just being who you are or for who you love, but there were times when LGBT+ people went through even worse around the world.


We are getting tired of trying really hard to prove that this is not a disease that needs to be cured. We do what we can to make their lives normal.

  • We invite famous and successful LGBTQ people to share their stories
  • We encourage you to help us prevent social discrimination
  • We provide services, classes, medical supplies, and blood tests

When we bring the victims of social violence together, we want them to get united and advocate for laws that will prevent future tragedies.
Contact us now. Let’s make a difference today!

Sign the petition!

Support for LGBTQ

Today, it’s getting harder to imagine being thrown in jail for just being who you are or for who you love, but there were times when LGBT+ people went through even worse around the world.

We are getting tired of trying really hard to prove that this is not a disease that needs to be cured. We do what we can to make their lives normal.

  • We invite famous and successful LGBTQ people to share their stories
  • We encourage you to help us prevent social violence and discrimination
  • We provide services, classes, medical supplies, and blood tests

When we bring the victims of social violence together, we want them to get united and advocate for laws that will prevent future tragedies. Unity will help us get to the point when we are not afraid to get married to who we love and live normal lives.
Contact us now. Let’s make a difference today!

Here, at our support center we are willing to throw all our resources to fight for a cause, but the signed petitions really do open new opportunities. One voice can make a difference. One signature takes us to another level of problem solving. Contact us for more information on this matter, or any other petition from the online list.

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Latest Signatures
9 Rudolf Schenker Hildesheim Germany apr 10, 2019
8 David Glover Detroit United States apr 10, 2019
7 Thomas Gate Chicago United States apr 10, 2019
6 Dolly Benson Boston United States apr 10, 2019
5 Linda Fitzgerald Munich Germany apr 10, 2019
4 Austin Gilson New York United States apr 10, 2019
3 Alex Johnson Houston United States apr 10, 2019
Hånd i hånd

Sammen om rasisme!

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Geir Lippestad

Støtte er avgjørende for å hjelpe de som har opplevd rasisme til å helbrede og trives, og det er en integrert del av antirasistisk arbeid.

Geir Lippestad


Prinsesse Märtha Louise

Antirasisme handler ikke bare om å endre samfunnet, det handler også om å beskytte den mentale helsen til de som opplever rasisme

Prinsesse Märtha Louise


Umar Ashraf

Ofrene for rasisme er ikke bare individer; de er også drømmer og potensialer som samfunnet har gått glipp av. Vi må beskytte og støtte dem for å skape et bedre og mer inkluderende samfunn

Umar Ashraf

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